Monday, November 10, 2008

Cherry Blossoms and Autumn Leaves

Have you visited Cherry Blossom Village yet ?

We are headed hard and fast into deep Winter, that bleak and cold time of year when, for as long as anyone in our town can remember, for more than 70 years now, we have eagerly awaited that first warming sign of early Spring when our town explodes with millions of tiny Cherry Blossoms. It makes us special here in Belleville. It's one of the many good reasons that makes living here pleasant. But look here, there is something new, something to bridge the long gap between one Spring and another. There is a species of Cherry Blossom tree that displays it's flowers in Autumn, (Prunus subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’). And now, we have some !

When the County Parks Department carried out it's plan for a massive re-planting of Cherry Blossom trees to boost up the dwindling numbers in our park, they included a nice quantity of these Autumn blooming type. This year we are beginning to see what they will do. These trees are still young. They are already pleasant to see but will become spectacular when mature. Cherry Blossom trees are already a treat to view in Autumn because of the variety of colors leaves of different species become; red, orange, plum, copper, yellow. Now, an unexpected color, pink, will be added to the splendid array of colors.

Although some are growing along Mill Street, the best blossoms this Fall are in the grove by the "dead end" lane behind the 'Battle of Second River' monument. See them if you can, they are attractive and can only get better each year.


There's a new release at the bookstore. It's a collection of 127 Italian/American recipes, over 100 years old, from the time when Italian housewives were being transplanted to here in America and were trying to make traditional dishes with items available in the American market place. You may remember some of these recipes. See it here -->

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